Sunday, August 8, 2010

4/5 Oswin's blog: Author Study

New week new author!

Last week I was so impressed by our class research that we've decided to try it again.

This week we're looking at the very funny books written by Pamela Allen.

The questions for our indpendent task are as follows:
Please research these using the net and email Mr Oswin with all answers. If you can't access your email then type the answers onto a word document and glue intou your literacy book.

1. What was the first book Pamela Allen ever published?

2. How many children does she have?

3. What awards has she won for her writing?

4. What is your favourite book and why?

5. What inspires her to write?

6. Who publishes most of her books?

7. Where and when was she born?

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